The Gallery at Redlands was opened by Wade and Gail Thomas in March 2017 with a One-Man-Show featuring watercolor artist David Tripp. David, an Arlington resident, has been invited to continue showing out of the gallery with his work featuring subjects drawn from American nostalgia. Our landscape is strewn with the husks and monuments of homes, businesses and vehicles disappearing from our sight but not our memories. The railroad heritage of David Tripp, artist in residence at The Gallery at the RedlandsPalestine will be on display with a collection of watercolors and drawings created by this artist, opening November 11 and lasting till December 16.
David spends most weekends working out of the Gallery at Redlands, keeping it open Friday and Saturday nights for the enjoyment of patrons at the Red Fire Grille across the lobby. Throughout the week, the gallery is open by appointment, and Jean Mollard is available for access.
David Tripp Plien Air painter at the Gallery at the RedlandsWith watercolor pad and digital camera at his side, David Tripp spends hours driving in his Jeep, poking around the sleepy Texas towns along county roads, in search of subjects to paint. Every day presents a new opportunity for discovery of some artifact reminiscent of earlier decades of energy and prosperity. Today, only the shells and husks remain of filling stations, general stores, movie theaters and other public buildings formerly stirring with conversations, stories and glimpses of life. The writer Marcel Proust has pointed out the thrill of beholding an object capable of triggering profound memories from our youth, and being filled with a sense of warmth and gratitude.
David’s company, Recollections 54, is named after his birth year, with all the accompanying memories of the fifties now relived in small towns filled with the remnants of those social environments now fading from our American landscape, though not from our memories.